

いや〜、今日の授業は オーストラリアのコーヒー文化 についてだったんだけど、正直ちょっとモヤモヤしてるんですよね。

というのも、メルボルンのカフェ文化 の話がめちゃくちゃ魅力的に聞こえて、「やっぱり行けばよかった…?」なんて思っちゃったわけです。

実は、ワーキングホリデーで約4か月 オーストラリアに滞在してたんですが、そのときメルボルンも候補にあったんです。でも結局、お金のためにクイーンズランド州 を選んだんですよね…。



メルボルンといえば 「コーヒーの街」
どうやら第二次世界大戦後に イタリア系移民がエスプレッソマシンを持ち込んだのが

Pellegrini’s(ペレグリーニズ) ー メルボルン最古のエスプレッソバー
Market Lane(マーケット・レーン) ー こだわりのスペシャルティコーヒー

しかも、バリスタの技術レベルもめちゃくちゃ高い らしく、



メルボルンのカフェ巡り ではなく、クイーンズランドの農場労働 を選択。

実はクイーンズランド州って コーヒー農園 もあるんですよ。

マリーバ(Mareeba) ー クイーンズランド州のコーヒー産地

味は… うん、悪くなかった! (でもメルボルンのカフェで飲むのとは違ったはず!)



帰国前に立ち寄ったシドニーでは、アロマフレーバーコーヒー なんてものを発見。





「メルボルンのカフェ巡り、やっぱりしておくべきだったんじゃ?」 ってこと。

メルボルンだけじゃなく、クイーンズランドやシドニーでも楽しめる のは間違いなし。

次に行くときは、絶対 「楽しむ」選択肢 をとるぞ!



Australia’s Coffee Culture ☕️

So today’s lesson was all about Australia’s coffee culture, and I have to say… I’m feeling a little bit conflicted.

Why? Because Melbourne’s café scene sounds absolutely amazing, and now I can’t help but wonder… Did I make the wrong choice by not going there?

You see, I spent about four months on a working holiday in Australia, and Melbourne was definitely on my list. But in the end, I went for Queensland instead—because let’s be honest, I needed the money.

The eternal dilemma: Work hard or enjoy life?


Melbourne’s Coffee Scene: A Missed Opportunity?

Melbourne is known as the “Coffee Capital”, and for a good reason.

Apparently, after World War II, Italian immigrants brought espresso machines to Australia, and that’s how this whole café culture started. Today, Melbourne is home to some of the best baristas in the world.

Some famous spots include:
Pellegrini’s – The oldest espresso bar in Melbourne
Market Lane – A specialty coffee shop with a serious reputation

Barista culture is so big in Australia that being a barista is considered a real profession.

…Honestly, I should’ve gone there.


Instead, I Chose the “Money Route” in Queensland

But at the time, my priority was making money, not sipping lattes.

Queensland was the obvious choice because of its high-paying farm jobs.

That said, I did come across coffee farms while I was there:

Mareeba – A well-known coffee-growing region in Queensland

I even bought some local coffee beans as a souvenir for my cousin.
The taste? Not bad! (But definitely not the same as a Melbourne café experience!)

A Coffee Surprise in Sydney

Before heading back home, I spent some time in Sydney,
where I discovered something unexpected: Aroma-flavored coffee.

It was a total eye-opener. I never realized coffee could be so diverse!

Australia’s coffee culture is way deeper than I thought.

Final Thoughts: Should I Have Gone to Melbourne?

Looking back, I have to ask myself…

“Should I have spent more time enjoying Melbourne’s coffee scene instead of working on a farm?”

Maybe. But hey, no regrets! Australia’s coffee culture isn’t just about Melbourne. You can find amazing coffee experiences in Queensland and Sydney too.

Next time, though? I’m definitely going for the “enjoyment” route.

What about you? Where would you go for the best coffee experience in Australia? Drop a comment below!


